Connect Children with Nature: Lesson Plan in Nature Connectedness


With the Go Jauntly nature connectedness lesson plan and diary, you can help children uncover the benefits of being connected to the natural world. We hope that these activities will guide children to use their senses to develop a better relationship with nature.

Nature Connectedness Lesson Plan

This nature connectedness lesson plan is aimed at Years 4/5 and sits within a variety of subjects, including Geography, Biology, Social Studies, Health & Wellbeing. However it can be adapted and used with many age groups, including pre-schools and nurseries.

Pupils could split into groups of 4 with each group moving through the suggested lesson activities over the course of 1-2 days.

Learning Objectives:

  • Self-manage health and wellbeing

  • Develop confidence

  • Develop wayfinding skills

  • Identify opportunities for nature connectedness

  • Walking as a method of exercise

  • Develop digital skills

  • Develop empathy and stewardship of the natural world

Nature Connectedness Diary

The Nature Connectedness Diary could be used as a homework task and encourages children to add one good thing they notice in nature each day. Pupils have the option of writing, drawing or even attaching a photo of what they noticed.

If you’d like to read more about nature connectedness and the benefits of regularly noticing good things in nature, please see the background to concept from the Nature Connectedness Research Group at the University of Derby.

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